Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

1.3 - Excel Project

1.3 - Excel Project

Q Part 1 - Setup Using this Template (XLSX), Download Template (XLSX), create a food log that records your meals and snacks for one day. Refer to the Food Table sheet of the template for information on the total calories based on portion sizes for various food items. For estimates of the amounts of calories, which you need to maintain calorie balance, will depend on your age, sex, and one of three different levels of physical activity, visit Dietary Guidelines. Links to an external site.Consolidate identical food items with the same portion size. Part 2 - Goal Seek Identify the input and output cells for the formulas in your food log table. Describe the relationship(s) between these cells. Based on your eating habits/pattern you recorded, define your dietary goal. Use Goal Seek, repeatedly, if necessary, to investigate what input values result in targeted output. When documenting the Goal Seek process, be sure to describe the steps and include any relevant illustrations. Submit both the Excel workbook and a Word® document for this activity. ________________________________________ Save your assignments using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

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In this table, the input cell is calories per portion and the output cell is total calories per day. I’ve used the addition formula to get the total of my entire meal plan and after getting the total I subtracted my goal from the total calories I get throughout the day. Here my goal is lacking behind a few calories which I guess is fine because sometimes you get to eat extra because of your cravings or when you are hanging out with friends the cheat meal will get adjusted with that difference.